Sunday, December 14, 2008

Final thoughts and evaluation

So here is for my final thoughts about this module. In the past I have always been afraid of 3d modeling thinking this is probably so hard to learn. After being in the first classes this semester I realized that with good teaching of the basic this isn´t that hard at all. All you need is time and dedication.

What I liked the most about this module is that you know right from the beginning what the final project is going to be and you are always working towards that. I believe that helps student keep focused and not get "lost" in this module.

I was a total newbie in the beginning of 3d modeling and I thought I would never learn this but now I firmly believe that with help of google and some tutorials I have the knowledge to become better 3d modeler.

One thing that I wasn´t good at this semester was filling in my blog. But I think this is a good idea to have a blog like this to write down thoughts ant stuff to share with fellow students. I am just not used to blogging but that is something I definitely have to work on as a multimedia designer :)

I know of course that my final 3 images aren´t the most professional in the world but these are only my first of hopefully many. I will probably spend my christmas holiday playing around in 3d max to get even better at it.

I am looking forward to starting 3d animation and character animation next semester.

Thank you all for the semester :) And merry Christmas

Signing off,
Baldvin Olafsson
SID: 0815818

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