Sunday, December 14, 2008

Moving on

after the first few weeks I started to think back to my favorite months and what I really wanted to create with my 3d knowledge.

I decided to start out with august. What I wanted to make was a Tent, gras and a tree.

I started out creating the tent. That was relatively easy. Since it was my first I kept it really simple. I started by creating a plane where everything should be standing on. Then I created a sphere and dragged it halfway through the plane and deleted the bottom then I had a half sphere. I deleted a part from it and that was going to be my door to the tent. Then I added a box to it and deleted the sides of it until it ended up as a "hallway" to the tent.

Then the tent was ready. Let´s go to the hard part - Trees

Basically I had the Idea in my mind what kind of tree I wanted to do but I didn´t have the knowledge. I found this tutorial
And tried to do that but with my ideas.
The biggest trouble I had was when I was putting the leaves and branches on with the Scatter tool. But in the end I made maybe not a great looking tree but good enough for me as a first time 3d modeler :)

For the ground i just added a grass map I had in the library of my 3d studio max. And for the environment I created a sphere around the whole thing and added a sky map on it. August DONE :)

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